Join - Publishers

OAPEN is dedicated to open access, peer-reviewed books. OAPEN operates two platforms, the OAPEN Library (, a central repository for hosting and disseminating OA books, and in partnership with OpenEdition, the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB,, a discovery service for OA books.

We work with publishers to build a quality-controlled collection of open access books, and provide services for publishers, libraries and research funders in the areas of hosting, dissemination, quality assurance, deposit, and digital preservation.

Publishers can join OAPEN if they publish academic, peer reviewed books that are made freely available, or published under an open license. OAPEN will require a description of the peer review process, to check if it meets academic standards.


The annual fee for a publisher to participate in OAPEN consists of one-time fees for front-list books and recurring fees for back-list books, with an annual minimum total of € 175.00:

Front-list publications
(a single book, or a chapter from a book, published in the current year)One-time fee€ 10.00
Back-list publications
(a single book, or a chapter from a book, published before the current year)Annual fee€ 2.00

Exceptions & waivers

This fee does not apply for publications that are subject of an agreement with a third party (funder or intermediary).

If the publisher is affiliated with a library or institution that has an active OAPEN support. then the publisher will have all publishing fees waived. For more information about library membership please consult:

For questions about OAPEN membership, our standard agreement, waivers or pricing for publishers, please contact Niels Stern: stern[@]

Overview of services